Dear Parents and Carers
RE: Vaping and Uniform Standards
I wanted to take this opportunity to write to all parents and carers regarding vaping which continues to be a growing concern affecting young people across the country.
Recently, there has been an increase in the use of vapes among young people in schools and the wider community. These devices come with serious health risks, especially for young people whose bodies and brains are still developing. We are committed to ensuring that our students have the information they need to make informed and healthy choices and, in response to the seriousness of these issues, I wanted to inform you that tutors will be delivering a presentation on vaping in the upcoming weeks. We ask that you take some time to talk with your child about the dangers of vaping.
I also wanted to take this opportunity to emphasise the law on vaping and the academy’s position with regards to sanctioning such behaviour.
Firstly, the law takes vaping very seriously: it is illegal for anyone under 18 to purchase, possess or use vapes. This does not change with parent or carer permission – it is still illegal.
The academy’s position is a strict and clear one as set out in the behaviour policy: vaping is prohibited on school grounds, during school activities/events/trips, and while representing the academy off-site (this includes in the community). We are committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all students, and any instances of vaping will be addressed promptly and with appropriate disciplinary action. Students who are caught with a vape in their possession, such as on their person or in a coat/bag, will be suspended. This includes students who insist the vape is not their property but still have the vape.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to remind all parents and carers of our uniform standards at the academy. We are keen to ensure that our high standards are not compromised by the wearing of trainers, jewellery, shorts/jogging bottoms under trousers, fake eyelashes, fake nails, and nail varnish. Please remind your child that if they have the incorrect uniform which they cannot or will not correct, they will be placed in our internal exclusion room (IER) until 15:15 and parents/carers will be contacted. This will remain the case until the student’s uniform is corrected. Please ensure that all school items are labelled with your child’s name in particular blazers, coats and PE kits. This will aid repatriation to students when items are handed to the Lost/Found at Reception.
I have also attached a copy of the Home Academy Agreement to this letter, so that you are also able to discuss this with your son/daughter.
Thank you in advance for discussing vaping and uniform standards with your child. If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s college in the first instance.
Yours faithfully
Mr D O’Leary | Vice Principal, Head of Jupiter College (Senior Leader for Behaviour and Standards)