All students sitting exams in the current academic year should pay careful attention to the information located in this part of the website.
Exam timetables
Parents/carers can access their child’s exam timetable through the ‘My Child at School online portal’. Students can access their exam timetable through the student portal.
Please make sure your child can access their timetables. Any problems accessing please contact your college admin.
Please note- Timetables for French and Spanish speaking exams will NOT be on ‘My Child at School’. These will be distributed separately by their MFL teacher.
Where and when are my exams?
You will receive all of this information on your individual candidate timetable. Once you have received your individual candidate timetable:
Please check your timetable carefully and report any concerns to the Examinations Office.
Please take care of this timetable, it is important that you don’t lose it.
Contingency day(s) 2023-24
For the Summer 2024 exam series a “contingency” exam day/s has been arranged by JCQ and the examination awarding bodies which all students need to be aware of.
These contingency days for GCSE and/or A Level (or equivalent) examinations have been put in place “in the event of widespread, sustained national or local disruption to examinations during the June 2024 examination series.”
For the Summer 2024 exams, the awarding bodies have agreed to include two additional half-day contingency sessions. These are on Thursday 6 June 2024 and Thursday 13 June 2024. The standard contingency day remains at the end of the timetable being scheduled on Wednesday 26 June 2024.
This means that all exam candidates must be available to sit exams from the date of their first exam until Wednesday 26 June 2024. This decision is not a school decision and does apply to all candidates in all schools.
Please can all students/parents/carers make a note of the contingency exam date in the event that an awarding body needs to invoke its contingency plan.
Examinations FAQs
- Morning exams start at 8:40am prompt
- Afternoon exams start at 1:00pm prompt
- You need to arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of your exam.
- Your equipment in a clear pencil case – Black pen, HB pencil, ruler, rubber, sharpener, highlighter. A calculator if required but no lids, maths set (protractor, compass etc) if required
- You may bring a bottle of water in a clear bottle with no label (this must be water, no other liquids).
- Mobile phone, iPad, iPod/MP3 player or other data or communication device
- Watches of ANY kind.
- Food, unless you are diabetic in which case please speak to the Examinations Office before your exams about this.
- Your coat and bag. These need to be left in the designated areas. The designated areas will remain accessible until the end of your exam, even if this is after the usual end of school time.
- Notes/paper (check your blazer pockets before entering)
- Tissues are NOT permitted- we will provide you with tissues should you need them.
- If at all possible you should attend the examination
- You will NOT be able to take the examination at any other date or time.
- If you are unable to due to serious illness you must inform the Academy Attendance Office in the usual way, but also informing them that you are due to sit an exam
- If you are absent due to serious illness you must provide a doctor’s letter, which needs to be given to the Examinations Office within 5 days of the exam missed. The exam board will request this.
- Do not panic!
- Make sure you telephone the Academy and explain the situation – 01322 272111 option 7, giving an expected time of arrival
No. Candidates leaving early can cause a disturbance that is unfair to others in the exam.
Please note that afternoon examinations may finish after the end of school so candidates may need to make arrangements to get home if you normally use the buses.