Students on the IBCP Programme typically go onto both university and apprenticeship placements.
Here at Wilmington Post 16, we offer a wide range of vocational and academic courses to suit all level 3 learners. We have purposely kept a multitude of study pathway options, to give our students choice in what they study. Our current pathway options are:
- Pathway Choice 1 –The International Baccalaureate Careers-Related Programme (IBCP) Pathway
This pathway will see you study a vocational based subject (either as a single or double award), which is linked to your future career aspirations. You will then supplement this by studying two IB Diploma courses, and also the IB Careers-Related Core Programme, which includes language development, personal and professional skills, reflective project and service learning. The minimum entry requirements for this pathway are 5 A*-C (9-4), including English Language and Maths.
- Pathway Choice 2 – The Vocational Pathway
This pathway will see you choose to study three vocational based subjects. Vocational based subjects include level 3 BTEC courses, as well as Applied A Levels, such as Applied Science. The minimum entry requirements for this pathway are 5 A*-C (9-4), including English Language and Maths.
- Pathway Choice 3 – The Blended Pathway
This pathway will give you the choice of studying a mixture of IB Diploma and vocational based subjects. The difference between this pathway and the IBCP pathway is that you will choose two vocational based subjects (single award) and then one IB Diploma course. The minimum entry requirements for this pathway are 5 A*-C (9-4), including English Language and Maths.
- Pathway Choice 4 – The Common Academic Pathway
This pathway will see you study three IB Diploma courses. The minimum entry requirements for this pathway are 5 A*-B (9-6), including English Language and Maths.
- Pathway Choice 5 – The T Level Pathway
This pathway will give you the choice of studying one of our five T-level subjects, which are equivalent to three A Levels. The minimum entry requirements for this pathway are 5 A*-C (9-5), including English Language and Maths.