“Believe in yourself; anything is possible; don’t just fly – soar!”
Wilmington Academy is part of Leigh Academies Trust. We believe in the power of the Trust small schools within a school and vertical tutoring models to transform lives and shape communities. We also believe that collaboration within the Trust and beyond, at national and international level, will help us to achieve the best possible outcomes for our students.
The Academy aims to be an outstanding, inclusive learning community where everyone feels safe and valued. We aim to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect, recognising that other people with their differences can also be right.
Wilmington Academy comprises three colleges, Minerva, Apollo and Jupiter designed around community, relationships, respect and high aspirations. Whilst the vision and values are the same, each college has its own leadership, student services team and administration. The human scale, modular culture and personalised approach to learning mean that no student gets left behind. We are a reflective, outward-facing community constantly reviewing our successes and adapting to bring about improvements.
Our curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities are designed to develop young people who:
- Learn independently and develop skills for enquiry and research
- Learn with enthusiasm and curiosity
- Express themselves confidently and creatively, sometimes in another language
- Act with integrity, honesty and a strong sense of morality, dignity and the rights of people everywhere
- Critically appreciate other cultures, traditions, values and beliefs
- Show empathy, compassion and respect for others
- Are willing to make a positive difference in the lives of others
- Are resourceful in the face of uncertainty and resilient in the face of challenges
- Develop conceptual understanding across a wide range of issues including those that have local and global significance
- Use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse problems and make reasoned, ethical decisions
- Understand the importance of balance
- Work to understand their strengths and weaknesses in order to support their own learning and personal development
Furthermore, the academy seeks to provide a safe environment that:
- Takes account of individual learning styles
- Provides access to learning opportunities with appropriate pace and challenge
- Delivers stimulating learning in a variety of settings and formats that meets the needs of all learners
- Provides a blend of teaching, learning, mentoring, coaching and tutoring in individual and group situations
- Supports the development of emotional intelligence and well being and a healthy lifestyle
- Embraces British values and intercultural awareness
- Develops internationally-minded young people
- Provides independent advice and guidance on career and education pathways
- Forges links with business and higher education partners
- Develops responsible digital citizens
The success of each learner is also dependent on factors beyond the Academy gates. An effective Home-Academy partnership is essential to ensure achievement for all members of the learning community. We value the views of all stakeholders and aim to be recognised locally, nationally and internationally as a centre of excellence. The Academy strives to facilitate high-quality, real time communication to ensure each learner is effectively supported. Parents and carers have a key role to play and should be involved in and given opportunities to support the work of the Academy. Aspirations will be raised further through engagement with external providers to expand the educational horizons of all learners, as well as a range of enrichment opportunities.
We recognise that to achieve our aims all staff will:
- Have opportunities to develop and fulfil their potential
- Receive innovative and effective training
- Be supported, cared for, challenged and valued
- Feel trusted and empowered to be creative and innovative
- Participate in, contribute to and benefit from partnerships within the Trust and beyond
- Communicate high aspirations at all times
- Be accountable for student outcomes