Our college motto is ‘Anything is possible’ and we encourage our students to be aspirational and achieve the very highest standards in all aspects of their academy life.  We are a community that encourages students to be hardworking, considerate, respectful of others, creative and resilient.  Students in Apollo are supported by an excellent team of teachers and pastoral staff to create an environment where all students feel safe, supported and able to play a full part in the life of the school.  We feel it is important for students to take ownership of their learning, not only for them to achieve academically, but to prepare them for their journey into further study, apprenticeship or employment so that they will be successful and fulfilled in their adult life.

Our vision is for Apollo to continue to go from strength-to-strength and achieve even higher standards every year.

Pete Devlin – Head of Apollo College

Leadership Structure

  • Mr P Devlin – Head of College
  • Miss L Collinson – Assistant Principal
  • Miss L Evans – Assistant Principal
  • Mr Willington – Head of Year 9
  • Mr P Marshall and Mrs R Keenan – Student Service Managers (SSM)
  • Mrs S Martin – Admin Office
  • Mrs S West – Wellbeing Manager
  • Mr P Devlin – Designated Safeguarding Lead

Minerva is an extremely successful college and our results are a source of enormous pride.  Minerva is the “blue” college. Students have blue ties (for boys) and a blue stripe (for girls). Our college motto is ‘Believe in yourself’ and we encourage our students to be aspirational and achieve the very highest standards in all aspects of their academy life.  In Minerva, we believe that to be successful, students must be hardworking, polite, creative, be considerate of each other and have a sense of fun.  We accept only the highest standards and believe that being in Minerva is a key part of the journey to independence and success in adult life.  Most of all, we encourage our students to be resilient and continually strive for excellence, to fulfil their potential and achieve their goals.  Minerva is a community where all students feel safe, supported and able to achieve.

Our core purpose is to ensure our students succeed in learning and succeed in life. Three themes that define us are: ‘Ethos’ – respect and honesty, ‘High Standards’ – principles and values and ‘Achievement’ – attainment and progress

The aim of our highly skilled and dedicated team is to develop successful students who demonstrate courage, behave with integrity and live happy lives.

Daniel Polden – Head of Minerva College

Leadership Structure

  • Mr D Polden – Head of College
  • Mrs K Murray – Assistant Principal
  • Ms C Quan – Assistant Principal
  • Miss A Allaway – Acting Head of Year 8
  • Mrs S Duff / Mrs V Couldridge – Student Service Managers (SSM)
  • Miss L Joomun – Admin Office
  • Mrs S West – Wellbeing Manager
  • Mr P Devlin – Designated Safeguarding Lead

Our team consist of highly skilled and talented individuals who are very committed to providing the very best for our students.

I am incredibly privileged to be leading the Jupiter College and have a vision that sees our developing community grow strong, providing an outstanding environment in which our students thrive.  An environment that seeks to challenge and enrich our young people, in which they can become resourceful and resilient, one in which they can truly relish every opportunity and become the very best they can be. Jupiter – King of the Roman Gods Jupiter was the King of Roman Gods and ruled over laws and social order.  Romans believed he controlled the skies and his symbols include the eagle, a lightning bolt and oak tree.  Our logo represents the eagle and the thunderbolt.  The main school logo incorporates the acorns from the oak tree, which encapsulates the strength and aspirations we have at Wilmington for every student.  Jupiter is the newest college to be created here at Wilmington and our college colour is red.  Students have red ties (for boys) and a red flash stripe (for girls).

Mr D O’Leary – Head of Jupiter College

Leadership Structure

  • Mr D O’Leary – Head of College
  • Mr R Butler – Assistant Principal
  • Mr L Barker – Assistant Principal
  • Mr J Williams – Head of Year 8
  • Ms M McLean and Mrs G Pepper-Newlan – Student Service Managers
  • Mrs K Heardman – Jupiter Admin
  • Mrs S West – Wellbeing Support
  • Mr P Devlin – Designated Safeguarding Lead

We believe that your sixth form experience should offer you every opportunity to develop into a well-rounded, insightful, citizen of the world who will be best qualified to be successful in your adult life. So why us? We do our absolute best to help you get the most from your years in sixth form. We take pride in the support we offer our students. The provision here, judged ‘good’ by Ofsted, ensures that each student is given personalised care to best help them succeed. Teaching staff regularly offer extra revision sessions and out-of-lesson help and advice, ensuring you have every opportunity to be successful in your courses.

Leadership Structure

  • Mr I Priest – Assistant Principal Head of Post 16
  • Mrs J Hardwick – DoL – KS5 Phase Lead
  • Miss K Sanders – DoL – IBCP
  • Ms L Elson – Admin Office
  • Mrs B Raji – Post 16 Student Services Manager
  • Mrs S West – Wellbeing Manager
  • Mr P Devlin – Designated Safeguarding Lead