KS4: BTEC Creative iMedia
The new cohort have moved onto the redeveloped course outline J834 which now covers only one optional media based project (Comic creation) and as previous years Digital Graphics as a mandatory. The larger unit Creative Media in the Media Industry drills deeper into Media and the pathways it can lead to, engages with and types. This is then sat as an external examination.
Computing and ICT plays a key part in the education of all children. Society demands a required use of technology, and therefore it is imperative it is taught well within Wilmington Academy.
Students at Wilmington have the opportunity to apply and develop their technological understanding and skills to empower them to interact with technology and any issues outside of education. A rich Digital Information Technology curriculum equips students to use computational thinking, creativity and practical skills to adapt to the ever changing digital society we live in.
Creative Media allows students to display a distinctive creative mindset, and create content within a digital environment. The Creative Media course looks at content within Games, Publishing, Audio Publications, Video and Film and Web 2.0. Students will gain a rich knowledge of the tools, techniques, demographic targeting and technical work that goes into creating a digital product
Schedule of Learning
- Module 1: R093 – Media Industries & Sectors – Theory
- Module 2: R094 – Visual Identity & Digital Graphics – Theory
- Module 3: R094- Visual Identity & Digital Graphics – Theory
- Module 4: R094- Visual Identity & Digital Graphics- Internal Assessment
- Module 5: R094- Visual Identity & Digital Graphics – Internal Assessment
- Module 6: R095- Characters & Comics – Theory
Schedule of Learning
- Module 1: R095- Characters & Comics – Theory
- Module 2: R095- Characters & Comics – Internal Assessment
- Module 3: R095- Characters & Comics – Internal Assessment
- Module 4: R093 – Media Industries & Sectors – Theory
- Module 5: R093 – Media Industries & Sectors – Theory
- Module 6: R093 – Media Industries & Sectors – SUMMER EXAM
Unit R093: Creative iMedia in the media industry
This is assessed by taking an exam. In this unit you will learn about the sectors, products and job roles that form the media industry. You will learn the legal and ethical issues considered and the processes used to plan and create digital media products. You will learn how media codes are used within the creation of media products to convey meaning, create impact and engage audiences. You will learn to choose the most appropriate format and properties for different media products. Completing this unit will provide you with the basic skills for further study or a range of creative job roles within the media industry. Topics include: The media industry, Factors influencing product design, Pre-production planning, Distribution considerations
Unit R094: Visual identity and digital graphics
This is assessed by completing a set assignment. In this unit you will learn how to develop visual identities for clients. You will also learn to apply the concepts of graphic design to create original digital graphics which incorporate your visual identity to engage a target audience. Completing this unit will introduce the foundations for further study or a wide range of job roles within the media industry. Topics include: Develop visual identity, Plan digital graphics for products, Create visual identity and digital graphics
R097: Interactive digital media
This is assessed by completing a set assignment. In this unit you will learn to design and create interactive digital media products for chosen platforms. You will learn to select, edit and repurpose multimedia content of different kinds and create the structure and interactive elements necessary for an effective user experience. Completing this unit will provide you with the basic skills for further study or a range of creative and technical job roles within the media industry. Topics include: The format types of interactive digital media, Content used in interactive digital media, Hardware devices used to access interactive digital media
The Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Creative iMedia is aimed at students aged 14-16 years and will develop knowledge, understanding and practical skills that would be used in the media industry.
You may be interested in this if you want an engaging qualification where you will use your learning in practical, real-life situations, such as:
- developing visual identities for clients
- planning and creating original digital graphics
- planning, creating and reviewing original digital media products.
This will help you to develop independence and confidence in using skills that would be relevant to the media industry. The qualification will also help you to develop learning and skills that can be used in other life and work situations, such as:
- thinking about situations and deciding what is required to be successful
- exploring different options and choosing the best way forward to a solve problem
- exploring and generating original ideas to find imaginative solutions to problems
- selecting the best tools and techniques to use to solve a problem
- appropriate use of media to convey meaning
- use of planning techniques to complete tasks in an organised way which meet deadlines.
This qualification will complement other learning that you are completing for GCSEs or vocational qualifications at Key Stage 4 and help to prepare you for further study.
- 1 x Examination – Externally Assessed
- 2 x Internally Assessed Creative Topics
For more information, please read our assessment recording and reporting cycle.
Career & Further Study Information
Creative Media allows students to display a distinctive creative mindset, and create content within a digital environment. The Creative Media course looks at the content within Games, Publishing, Audio Publications, Video and Film and Web 2.0. Students will gain a rich knowledge of the tools, techniques, demographic targeting and technical work that goes into creating a digital product.
This can lead to further education courses within any of the above-named sectors within the Creative Media industry. Wilmington Academy offers a Level 3 Pathway building upon the content above.
Additional Resources