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KS3: MYP Maths (Mathematics)


At Key Stage 3, Mathematics is taught in mixed ability sets. The curriculum is aligned to the MYP framework for Year 7. The MYP mathematics framework encompasses number, algebra, geometry, statistics and probability. 

Students in the MYP learn how to represent information, to explore and model situations, and to find solutions to familiar and unfamiliar problems. These are skills that are useful in a wide range of arenas, including social sciences and the arts. 

The objectives of MYP Mathematics encompass the factual, conceptual, procedural and metacognitive dimensions of knowledge.

Each objective is elaborated by a number of strands; a strand is an aspect or indicator of the learning expectation which students will be assessed on. 

Together these objectives reflect the knowledge, skills and attitudes that students need in order to use Mathematics in a variety of contexts (including real-life situations), perform investigations and communicate Mathematics clearly.

Year 7 Schedule of Learning:

  • Module 1 and 2: Place value – Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
  • Module 3: Basic Algebra
  • Module 4: Geometry – 2D shape in a 3D world
  • Module 5 and 6: Fractions, Ratio and simple Transformations

Year 8 Schedule of Learning:

  • Module 1: Percentages, Sequences and Form and Solve Equations
  • Module 2: Form and Solve Inequalities, LInear Graphs, Accuracy and Estimation.
  • Module 3: Ratio and Proportions,  Real Life Graphs
  • Module 4: Proportion and Statistics
  • Module 5: Statistics and Angle properties
  • Module 6: Polygons, Bearings and Geometry 1. Written assessment

Year 9 Schedule of Learning:

  • Module 1: Volume and Surface Area, Equivalences between Fractions, Percentages and Decimals. Probability and Venn Diagrams
  • Module 2: Solving simple Equations Algebraically and Graphically
  • Module 3: Angles, Pythagoras and Construction
  • Module 4: Ratio, Enlargement and Similarity, Surds and Trigonometry
  • Module 5: Algebra, Quadratics
  • Module 6: Surds, Indices and Standard Form. Written assessments


MYP mathematics aims to equip all students with the knowledge, understanding and intellectual capabilities to address further courses in mathematics, as well as to prepare those students who will use mathematics in their studies, workplaces and everyday life. Mathematics provides an important foundation for the study of sciences, engineering and technology, as well as a variety of applications in other fields.


Assessment practices in the MYP aim to:  support student learning by providing consistent feedback on the learning process  provide opportunities for students to demonstrate transfer of skills across disciplines  develop critical and creative thinking skills  assign the most accurate achievement level for student performance, rather than averaging  achievement levels over a given period of time  assess student understanding at the end of a course 

Students will be assessed under four different criteria:  

  • Criterion A: Knowledge and Understanding  
  • Criterion B: Investigating Patterns  
  • Criterion C: Communication  
  • Criterion D: Real-world Application 

Each criterion is divided into various achievement levels. The level descriptors for each band describe a range of student performance in the various strands of each objective. At the lowest levels, student achievement in each of the strands will be minimal. As the numerical levels increase, the level descriptors describe greater achievement levels in each of the strands. 

The four MYP criteria will be summatively assessed and reported on twice a year (Modules 3 and 6). A final grade will be provided at the end of the year (Module 6). Further guidance on MYP assessments can be found here: 

For more information, please read our assessment recording and reporting cycle.

KS4: GCSE Maths (EBacc)


Maths curriculum at WA is designed to develop pupils’ ability to solve problems, to reason logically and to make sense of data. We encourage pupils to think, act and speak like true mathematicians. Our curriculum provides real stretch and challenge and opportunities for collaborative thinking, as well as space for independent thoughts and creative solutions. Pupils are explicitly taught strategies how to solve problems and are encouraged by teacher modelling to be able to express themselves in Mathematical language. We ensure the level of challenge is high enough for the most able, with scaffold and support available for pupils who need it. 

As a knowledge-based discipline, we believe that knowledge underpins and enables the application of skills. Therefore, our aim is to equip every pupil with the knowledge, skills and attitude for them to strive, succeed and exceed by developing fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills. We achieve this by quality first teaching which ensures pupils understand underlying Mathematical principles and can apply them to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication.  

We have high expectations of all of our pupils and expect that they leave as skilful mathematical learners and equipped with the skills needed for future learning.  

Schedule of Learning

Foundation tier
  • Module 1: Fractions/ Decimals/ Percentages, Ratio, Percentages 1,Growth/ Decay and Geometry
  • Module 2: Geometry 2 and Handling data
  • Module 3: Data 1/ Probability 1 and Algebra 1
  • Module 4: Algebra 2
  • Module 5: Algebra 3 and Number 2
  • Module 6: Number 2 and Geometry 1
Higher tier
  • Module 1: Fractions/ Percentages/ Decimals (and equivalences of all three), Direct & Inverse Proportions, Percentage 2, Growth/ Decay and Geometry 1
  • Module 2: Geometry 2 and Handling Data 1
  • Module 3: Handling Data 2 and Probability 2
  • Module 4: Algebra 1
  • Module 5: Algebra 2
  • Module 6: Number 2
Foundation tier
  • Module 1: Geometry 2
  • Module 2: Algebra 4
  • Module 3: Transformations
  • Modules 4-5: Gap analysis & exam preparations
Higher tier
  • Module 1: Geometry 3 and Trigonometry
  • Module 2: Algebra 3
  • Module 3: Algebra 4, Graphs, Geometry 4 and Transformations
  • Modules 4-5: Gap analysis & exam preparations


Collaborative curriculum planning is at the heart of what we do in the faculty. We have designed a two-year KS4 scheme of learning that fully covers the National Curriculum. 

Alongside the schemes of learning, we have developed knowledge organisers for each year group which are enabling our pupils to master the key knowledge.

Our assessments are designed to promote better pupil learning and provide teachers with detailed information such as what topics they might need to teach again.

To support pupils’ progress we offer after school targeted revision sessions along with the UK Maths Challenge. 


Pupils have an opportunity to learn the curriculum methodically which is supported by carefully prepared lessons and resources. 

Our pupils’ knowledge and skills have increased swiftly which evidently has made their transition to the next step of their studies smoother and has given them a solid ground for making comprehensive future destinations.


For more information, please read our assessment recording and reporting cycle.

Additional Resources