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KS3: MYP Physical & Health Education


At Key Stage 3, PE and Health (PHE) is taught in mixed gender, mixed ability sets. This is to allow all pupils the chance to work with a variety of pupils, in mixed environments and learning different skills. All pupils get the opportunity to experience a broad range of sporting activities and will be challenged to achieve highly. 

PE aims to foster the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes in order to contribute toward students’ broad and balanced lifestyles. Through PHE students can also learn communication, collaborative and self-management skills alongside this knowledge and skill acquisition in order to develop confident and positive pupils both in and out of sporting situations. All pupils are taught through the MYP criteria ensuring a holistic approach to learning and personal development of the individual, not just sporting acquisition.

Year 7 Schedule of Learning:

  • Module 1: Performance Skills in Aesthetic Activities
  • Module 2: Developing Skills, Roles and Techniques (winter) inc. team building
  • Module 3: Personal Improvement through Fitness
  • Module 4: Tactics and Strategies (winter)
  • Module 5: Developing Skills, Roles and Techniques (summer)
  • Module 6: Tactics and Strategies (summer)

Year 8 Schedule of Learning:

  • Module 1: Performance Skills in Aesthetic Activities
  • Module 2: Developing Skills, Roles and Techniques (winter) inc. team building
  • Module 3: Personal Improvement through Fitness
  • Module 4: Tactics and Strategies (winter)
  • Module 5: Developing Skills, Roles and Techniques (summer)
  • Module 6: Tactics and Strategies (summer)

Within Y9 specific links to the BTEC Tech Sport Award are made as an introduction to the course or pupils that wish to select this as a Y10 option as well as cross curricular links to other subjects e.g. Science that will benefit all students as they enter KS4

Year 9 Schedule of Learning:

  • Module 1: Performance Skills in Aesthetic Activities
  • Module 2: Developing Skills, Roles and Techniques (winter)
  • Module 3: Personal Improvement through Fitness
  • Module 4: Tactics and Strategies (winter)
  • Module 5: Developing Skills, Roles and Techniques (summer)
  • Module 6: Tactics and Strategies (summer)


At Key Stage 3 pupils follow the MYP curriculum whereby they will experience themed modules encompassing a range of sports, opening doors to new activities. Pupils will be assessed in their knowledge, planning, application and reflective skills alongside their personal development i.e. the IB traits.


The impact of sustaining a healthy and active lifestyle is well documented yet many adults fail to participate in recommended activity levels. Through our curriculum we hope that students find not only an understanding of, but a passion for sport and exercise. Pupils enjoy PE and Health at Wilmington Academy and the curriculum is routinely adapted to reflect the global context at the time e.g. Olympics, World Cups.

Through a theme based curriculum that encompass the holistic values and assessment criteria of the Middle Years Programme pupils learn the foundations of health, fitness and wellbeing as well as mastering skills, techniques and tactics in a range of sporting situations. We want pupils to become open-minded individuals, with confidence not just in their abilities but in themselves.


Each criterion is divided into various achievement levels. The level descriptors for each band describe a range of student performance in the various strands of each objective. At the lowest levels, student achievement in each of the strands will be minimal. As the numerical levels increase, the level descriptors describe greater achievement levels in each of the strands.

Assessment is through the MYP criteria:

  • Criteria A: Knowledge and understanding
  • Criteria B: Planning for Performance
  • Criteria C: Application of skills
  • Criteria D: Reflection and Improvement

The four MYP criteria will be summatively assessed and reported on twice a year (Modules 3 and 6). A final grade will be provided at the end of the year (Module 6). Further guidance on MYP assessments can be found here:

For more information, please read our assessment recording and reporting cycle.

Additional Resources

KS4: Physical & Health Education (Core)


At Key Stage 4, PE (PE) is taught in mixed gender, mixed ability sets. This is to allow all pupils the chance to work with a variety of pupils, in mixed environments and learning different skills. All pupils get the opportunity to experience a broad range of sporting activities and will be challenged to achieve highly. At points, students will have a choice as to activities or ‘pathways’ they follow in order for them to start making decisions for themselves and the benefit of maintaining their own healthy active lifestyles.

Schedule of Learning

Each module will have a theme linked to one of the  International Baccalaureate (IB) Approaches to Learning (ATL). Which aims to teach pupils how to become self-regulated, open minded and lifelong learners of physical education: 

  • Module 1: Communication 
  • Module 2: Social Skills 
  • Module 3: Research Skills 
  • Module 4: Thinking Skills 
  • Module 5: Self-management skills 
  • Module 6: Communication


At Key Stage 4 pupils will experience themed modules encompassing a range of sports, opening doors to new activities. Each term, pupils will be able to choose pathways in activities within which they want to engage* 

Pupils are not assessed on their performance (as there is no accreditation as part of core PE) instead an attitude to learning and engagement score is given.


The impact of sustaining a healthy and active lifestyle is well documented yet many adults fail to participate in recommended activity levels. Through our curriculum we hope that students find not only an understanding of, but a passion for sport and exercise. Pupils enjoy PE and Health at Wilmington Academy and the curriculum is routinely adapted to reflect the global context at the time e.g. Olympics, World Cups. 

Through a theme based curriculum that encompasses the holistic values pupils learn the value and enjoyment of health, fitness and wellbeing as well as making conscious decisions as to their own preferences and enjoyment.  We want pupils to become open-minded individuals, with a confidence not just in their abilities but in themselves.


There is no assessment in Core PE throughout KS4.

KS4: BTEC Sport


At Key Stage 4 we want to further develop learners into rounded sports performers, and vice versa, utilising them with skills to take into future professions. 

Pupils will have the opportunity to engage in competitive sports and activities throughout each module.

Pupils can choose to study the Level 2 BTEC Tech Sport course, where we aim to help learners acquire theoretical knowledge and technical skills through vocational contexts by exploring areas such as barriers to physical activity, technology in sport, and developing fitness.

Schedule of Learning

  • Year 10: Component 1: Preparing Participants to Take Part in Sport and Physical Activity
  • Year 10 & 11: Component 2: Taking Part and Improving Other Participant’s Sporting Performance
  • Year 11: Component 3: Developing Fitness to Improve Other Participant’s Performance in Sport and Physical Activity

Those pupils who do not choose to study Sport will still be provided with practical PE lessons whereby they will experience a range of sports and exercise, with more emphasis on the choice and pathway the pupils want to take. 

Our objective is to allow students to find an exercise route within which they are confident and provide them with the tools to independently access and stay fit, healthy, and active. 

At all stages of PHE at Wilmington Academy, we want our learners to develop, try new activities, and become socially, personally, and morally confident. It is our intention to provide a broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum for all pupils to benefit from sport and exercise.


At Key Stage 4 pupils will experience themed modules encompassing a range of sports, opening doors to new activities. Each term, pupils will be able to choose pathways in activities within which they want to engage

Pupils are not assessed on their performance (as there is no accreditation as part of core PE) instead an attitude to learning and engagement score is given.


The impact of sustaining a healthy and active lifestyle is well documented yet many adults fail to participate in recommended activity levels. Through our curriculum, we hope that students find not only an understanding of but a passion for sport and exercise. Pupils enjoy PE and Health at Wilmington Academy and the curriculum is routinely adapted to reflect the global context at the time e.g. Olympics, World Cups. 

As a qualification, we enjoy excellent results from students studying the BTEC Sport courses and many students go on to study Sports either here at Wilmington Academy or at College. 

Many students achieve the equivalent of 4-9 grades in the BTEC course with most students achieving above their target grades, with plenty of Distinction / Distinction* level grades. PHE at Wilmington Academy offers an inclusive curriculum that pupils of all abilities are able to achieve. We are a deeply passionate department with shared values, aiming to provide high-quality teaching and learning opportunities to all students.


If chosen, the BTEC Sport-tech award gives learners the opportunity to build skills that show an aptitude for further learning, both in the sporting sector and more widely.

BTEC assessment approaches help pupils to be successful in building skills and motivated to engage fully with challenging study.

There is no limit to progression options as the skills acquired are applicable to a range of post-16 study options.

BTEC Tech Sport is broken down into three components:

  • Component 1 – Controlled Assessment 
  • Component 2 – Controlled Assessment 
  • Component 3 – External assessment (Exam)

Students can achieve a level 1 pass, merit or distinction award, or a level 2 pass, merit, distinction award.

Components 1 and 2 are assessed through a non-exam internal assessment. The non-exam internal assessment for these components has been designed to demonstrate the application of the conceptual knowledge, through realistic tasks and activities

There is one external assessment, Component 3, which provides the main synoptic assessment for the qualification. Component 3 builds directly on Components 1 and 2 and enables learning to be brought together and related to a real-life situation. Pupils will sit this exam in Year 11.

For more information, please read our assessment recording and reporting cycle.