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The Relationships, Sex and Health Education program is developed to help our students navigate our complex and changing world that we live in. The overall  aim is to develop healthy and happy students, who have developed knowledge and skills that will not only help them through their school years, but also during their adult life. Students will be educated about circumstances that they may face in the ‘real world’ as well as the ‘virtual world’ and explore methods of dealing with circumstances and emotions in a positive and protective way. Students, at the end of their education at Wilmington academy, will have the skills needed to help them develop resilience and begin to work out their place in the world. 

Schedule of Learning

Action Day Schedule
  • Day 1- In a world where you can be anything, be kind
  • Day 2- Our world
  • Day 3- 24 hours in A&E

Module 1 – My identity

Students will learn:

  • about identity, rights and responsibilities
  • about gender identity, transphobia and gender-based discrimination
  • about gender identity and sexual orientation

Module 2 – Basic first Aid

Students will learn:

  • basic treatment for common injuries
  • life-saving skills, including how to administer CPR 
  • the purpose of defibrillators and when one might be needed

Module 4


Module 6 – Mental health & wellbeing

Action Day schedule
  • Day 1- Fights, FOMO, friends and tattoos. 
  • Day 2- How can we create a healthy life?
  • Day 3- How can we create a happy life?

Module 1 – Health & prevention

Students will learn:

  • about personal hygiene, germs including bacteria, viruses, how they are spread, treatment and prevention of infection, and about antibiotics
  • about dental health and the benefits of good oral hygiene and dental flossing, including healthy eating and regular check-ups at the dentist
  • (late secondary) the benefits of regular self-examination and screening
  • the facts and science relating to immunisation and vaccination
  • the importance of sufficient good quality sleep for good health and how a lack of sleep can affect weight, mood and ability to learn

Module 2 – Physical health & fitness

Students will learn:

  • the characteristics and evidence of what constitutes a healthy lifestyle, maintaining a healthy weight, including the links between an inactive lifestyle and ill health, including cancer and cardio-vascular ill-health

Module 3 – Physical health & fitness

Students will learn:

  • Relating lifestyle choices to 
  • health and well being can help to 
  • understand the functions of different
  • body systems, the benefits of a 
  • balanced diet and the consequences of
  • poor lifestyle choices

Module 4 – Respectful relationships, including friendships

Students will learn:

  • Causes of coercive behaviour 
  • Examples of coercive behaviour 
  • What counts as a healthy relationship 
  • coercive or controlling behaviour 
  • sexual relationships and consent accessing help.
Action day schedule
  • Day 1- For better for worse, for richer, for poorer?
  • Day 2- Oh baby
  • Day 3- A snapchat story and beyond

Module 1 – Friendship challenges (including gangs)

Students will learn:

  • to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy friendships
  • how to assess risk and manage influences, including online 
  • about ‘groupthink’ and how it affects behaviour
  • how to recognise passive, aggressive and assertive behaviour, and how to communicate assertively 
  • to manage risk in relation to gangs 
  •  about the legal and physical risks of carrying a knife 
  • about positive social norms in relation to drug and alcohol use 
  • about legal and health risks in relation to drug and alcohol use, including addiction and dependence

Module 2 – Physical health & fitness

Students will learn:

  • the positive associations between physical activity and promotion of mental wellbeing, including as an approach to combat stress
  • about the science relating to blood, organ and stem cell donation.

Module 3 – Health & prevention

Students will learn:

  • The immune system
  • Immunisation
  • HPV Vaccines and protection provided towards cervical cancer, vaginal cancer, vulval cancer, anal cancer, cancer of the penis, some cancers of the head and neck, and genital warts.

Module 4 – Drugs, Alcohol & Tobacco

Students will learn:

  • the facts about legal and illegal drugs and their associated risks, including the link between drug use, and the associated risks, including the link to serious mental health conditions
  • the law relating to the supply and possession of illegal substances
  • the physical and psychological risks associated with alcohol consumption and what constitutes low risk alcohol consumption in adulthood
  • the physical and psychological consequences of addiction, including alcohol dependency
  • awareness of the dangers of drugs which are prescribed but still present serious health risks
  • the facts about the harms from smoking tobacco (particularly the link to lung cancer), the benefits of quitting and how to access support to do so

Module 5 – Sexual Health

Students will learn:

  • Personal values, assertive communication (including in relation to contraception and sexual health)
  • about registering with and accessing doctors, sexual health clinics, opticians and other health services
  • how to handle unwanted attention, including online
  • Module 1- Mindfulness and mental health
  • Module 2 – The dangers of alcohol and smoking
  • Module 3 – How can we be healthy? Links to personal hygiene and tooth decay
  • Module 4 – Celebrating diversity 
  • Module 5 –  Our impact on the world
  • Module 6 – What is your identity? How is it created? Why is it important? 


Students are taught the 13 topics of RSHE through a spiralled curriculum, with knowledge built and developed as they progress throughout the school. Content is delivered during Action days and during form sessions on a weekly basis. The content, despite remaining similar, will change and be amended to suit the needs of the current cohort. 


Through lessons based on the 13 key elements of the framework, students will develop and build on knowledge gained, to help them develop the resilience, skills and knowledge that will help them to develop a healthy, happy and informed life.  Through the curriculum, students will be able to develop coping mechanisms to promote positive mental health, thus enhancing their experiences both socially and academically. 

Additional Resources:



The Relationships, Sex and Health Education program is developed to help our students navigate our complex and changing world that we live in. The overall  aim is to develop healthy and happy students, who have developed knowledge and skills that will not only help them through their school years, but also during their adult life. Students will be educated about circumstances that they may face in the ‘real world’ as well as the ‘virtual world’ and explore methods of dealing with circumstances and emotions in a positive and protective way. Students, at the end of their education at Wilmington academy, will have the skills needed to help them develop resilience and begin to work out their place in the world. 

Schedule of Learning

Action Days in Year 10

  • Day 1- The not so nice side to relationships
  • Day 2- Physical health and fitness 
  • Day 3- It’s all fun and games? 

Module 1 – Mental health & wellbeing

  • Transition to Year 10
  • How exam stress affect our mental and physical well being 
  • practical things can we do to reduce exam stress? 
  • managing stress?
  • identifying when we are stressed in general? 
  • develop problem solving skills to reduce stress in our lives.
  • World Mental Health Day

Module 2 – Families

  • resolving conflicts at home
  • different communication styles? 
  • de-escalating arguments? 
  • identify a healthy relationship
  • What does an abusive relationship look like?

Module 3 – Respectful relationships including friendships

  • Different types of discrimination ? Students explore how people can be discriminated against. Students are then introduced to historical discrimination of LQBTQIA+, with case study focus on Section 28
  • What do we mean by gender identities? ‘It is not just pink and blue’.  Students explore different gender identities, the use of pronouns and how to be a positive bystander. 
  • homophobia? 
  • historical and present day homophobia, 
  • Impacts of homophobia on individuals.

Module 4 – Internet safety & potential harm

  • role social media and the media plays in developing community bonds 
  • how the media can affect the portrayal of groups,
  • distinctions between protests.
  • radicalisation

Module 5 – Internet safety & potential harm

  • impact of viewing explicit content 
  • relationships and the different types of long term commitment.
  • differences between arranged and forced marriages and how to seek assistance.
  • different types of long term commitments, including civil partnerships, marriage and cohabitation. 
  • knife crime and how to avoid these situations.
  • manage friendships and unwanted situations. 
  • positive role models

Module 6 – Health & prevention

  • Different types of contraception
  • What needs to be considered with an unplanned pregnancy? 
  • What life could be like with a child. 
  • Different STI’s – Where can I get treatment? 
  • examine myself to check for Cancer? Students begin to explore what cancer is and how to check for cancer. 
  • How can I give CPR correctly? Students explore the importance of knowing how to give CPR and how to do this. 
  • different allergies and what can be done to help

Module 1 – Respectful relationships including friendships

  • Intro to RHSE
  • Identify healthy and unhealthy relationships? Managing unwanted attention? 
  • What is sexual  consent? What does it look like? 
  • What consent means , both ethically and legally
  • Sexual image, inc., pornography and sexting? 
  • World Mental Health day 10th October

Module 2 – Intimate and sexual relationships including sexual health & wellbeing

  • Reducing exam -stress and every day  general life stresses 
  • What does self care look like? 
  • sexually transmitted infections? 
  • Contraception?
  • How can we deal with unplanned pregnancy?

Module 3 – Families

  • Students explore what life is  like as a parent and the responsibilities you have at different life stages 
  • what the term fertility means, how fertility can be affected and the different routes into parenting. 
  • Unplanned pregnancy? 
  • laws around abortion and how to access support and advice. 
  • contrasting views around abortion, linking to both religious views, as well as ethical. 
  • LGBTQ+ History Month

Module 4 – Financial Education

  • The world of work 
  • Calculating pay the deductions finances  
  • How can I be in control of my money?
  • How can money affect our mental health?

Module 5 – Mental Wellbeing & healthy eating

  • Reduce stress and anxieties around the exam period. 
  • practical methods of reducing stress and anxiety, 
  • mentoring from their tutors/HOC?SSM’s.
  • creating exam calendars, revision schedules 
  • exploring the best way to revise.

Module 6 – Mental Wellbeing & healthy eating

  • Year 11 student sitting Exams  
  • mentoring from their tutors.


Students are taught the 13 topics of RSHE through a spiralled curriculum, with knowledge built and developed as they progress throughout the school. Content is delivered during Action days and during form sessions on a weekly basis. The content, despite remaining similar, will change and be amended to suit the needs of the current cohort. 


Through lessons based on the 13 key elements of the framework, students will develop and build on knowledge gained, to help them develop the resilience, skills and knowledge that will help them to develop a healthy, happy and informed life.  Through the curriculum, students will be able to develop coping mechanisms to promote positive mental health, thus enhancing their experiences both socially and academically. 

Additional Resources