Year 7 Scheme of Learning
- Module 1: The Earth
- Module 2: Chemistry of the Earth
- Module 3: Life on Earth
- Module 4: Forces on Earth
- Module 5: Organisms on Earth
- Module 6: Electricity
Science in Key Stage 3 is taught in streamed sets to ensure by the end of Y7, everyone, regardless of their primary provision, is a competent science practitioner. In Year 9 the MYP curriculum content overlaps with some of the GCSE content so students are streamed according to ability to give them an idea of what their GCSE pathway will look like in Year 10.
Students learn the curriculum in an interleaved manner which mixes the three disciplines together so we are continuously learning about a topic, then testing on it. Then a little later, we revisit, recap and go on to build additional knowledge and understanding to embed prior learning. This enables students to retain a sound knowledge base of scientific keywords and concepts.
Students investigate, explore and model situations and find solutions to familiar and unfamiliar problems – skills which are applicable to a wide range of careers and to everyday life. Our studies often link with other academic disciplines, such as Mathematics, Physical Education, Geography and Health.
Students study science in the MYP via a practical-based approach in which they investigate and question the knowledge they have already learned. They develop their critical-thinking, problem-solving, decision-making and reflective skills. Every module their practical and analytical skills are tested. The MYP is entirely digital to allow students the flexibility to review topics whenever they wish. Years 7 & 8 study Science for 3 hours a week: Year 9 study Science for 4 hours a week.
Our aim for all students is to foster a sense of curiosity about the world around them as well as equip them with the knowledge, understanding and intellectual capability to access further science-based courses in Post 16, university, future career pathways and everyday life.
We aim to give students the realisation that science provides an important foundation for many jobs and careers worldwide today.
Assessment practices in the MYP aim to:
Students will be assessed under four different criteria:
Criterion A: Knowledge and Understanding
Criterion B: Practical Application Skills
Criterion C: Analysis & Evaluation Skills
Criterion D: Real-world Application
Each criterion is divided into various achievement levels. The level descriptors for each band describe a range of student performance in the various strands of each objective. At the lowest levels, student achievement in each of the strands will be minimal. As the numerical levels increase, the level descriptors describe greater achievement levels in each of the strands.
The four MYP criteria will be summatively assessed and reported on twice a year (Modules 3 and 6). A final grade will be provided at the end of the year (Module 6).
For more information, please read our assessment recording and reporting cycle.
Regardless of whether students are following the GCSE Combined Science or Separate Science GCSE pathway, the Science curriculum is designed to encourage students to think critically, reason logically and question the world around them. By undertaking experiments they design themselves, they collect and analyse data and justify their findings. The level of challenge is differentiated to meet all students’ needs. Scaffolding and support are always available for any student who needs it.
Combined Science and Triple Science follow the same curriculum, however triple science goes into more depth and has more content within the subject headings below.
A fully digital and interleaved curriculum is at the heart of what we do in Science. This is not simply a 2-year scheme of learning, it is part of a 5-year plan that fully covers the National Curriculum. Trips and visits are undertaken to underpin knowledge and to offer students as insight to future career pathways. Many trips are cross-curricular to make students even more aware of how science is involved in many parts of everyday life and is enriched by an understanding of other academic disciplines.
Alongside the schemes of learning, we have developed knowledge organisers for each year group, these combined with low-stakes testing, enables our students to master keywords and concepts as well as keep the learning fresh in their minds.
Our assessments are designed to ascertain a student’s strengths and areas for development. Students are provided with personalised feedback and steps to ensure progression. They also provide teachers with detailed information with regard to knowledge gaps so that they can further support students’ learning by offering targeted revision sessions after school.
Students build on their KS3 knowledge and understanding and consequently are well-prepared for GCSE. Through studying carefully differentiated lessons and resources, and using our bespoke assessment and monitoring, our students’ skills and knowledge continue to increase. Our lessons are designed to link to a plethora of careers so students are given a solid base to make informed and comprehensive decisions about their future.
For more information, please read our assessment recording and reporting cycle.