Here at Wilmington Academy, our vision and values centre around a clear purpose through our growth mindset, small school model:
“Believe in yourself; anything is possible; don’t just fly, soar!; strive further, reach higher”
We take a holistic approach to learning; Personal development plays an integral part of a student’s educational journey as it provides them with the knowledge, understanding, and skills which are not necessarily delivered through subjects. Therefore, alongside our curriculum, students are provided with sessions dedicated to their social, emotional, and physical development, with our personal development provision encompasses the following key aspects:
- Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE)
- Fundamental British Values and Citizenship
- Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)
- Religious Education (World Religions)
- Computing
- Careers and Living in the Wider World
- Wider enrichment opportunities
Passport to Success
Students are also given the opportunity to focus on preparing for life after school, either through the Numeracy programme or Careers. Literacy is also embedded within the programme, helping to improve literacy rates across the academy. As an International Baccalaureate World School the key principles of intercultural awareness, global citizenship, and respect form an integral part of our ethos; our aim is to develop our students “beyond their qualifications”, into well-rounded individuals, who are responsible, respectful, and active citizens, ready to take on the next phase of their educational journey. We are an inclusive environment, promoting equality of opportunity, diversity, and tolerance. We provide a wide, rich set of experiences, which are carefully designed to develop the attributes of the IB Learner profile such as confidence and resilience; enabling our students to have strength of character, be mentally and physically healthy, and develop key qualities necessary to flourish beyond the academy no matter their backgrounds or starting points.
Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE)
Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) forms an integral part of the academy’s curriculum as our students grow up in an increasingly complex world and live their lives seamlessly on and offline. This presents many positive and exciting opportunities for us all, but also challenges and risks. In this environment, our students need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way.
The RSHE framework is delivered during tutor time (Key Stage 4 and 5), weekly lessons (Key Stage 3), targeted assemblies, and action days (all students). Our RSHE curriculum has been carefully produced and sequenced to take into account age appropriateness and provides students with the knowledge that will enable them to make educated decisions on aspects such as wellbeing, relationships, and how to navigate the online world safely. A key focus is to provide guidance on how to seek advice and support. This knowledge will allow our students to make informed decisions regarding any complex situation they may face. The curriculum is aligned with the Government’s Statutory guidance on Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) (September 2020):
Relationships and Sex Education Policy
RSHE Curriculum
Our aim at Wilmington Academy is to prepare students for the increasingly complex world that we find ourselves in. Our curriculum helps to foster students’ physical and mental wellbeing, as well as developing their resilience. Students are given the opportunity to focus on preparing for life after school, either through the Numeracy program or Careers. Literacy is also embedded within the program, helping to improve literacy rates across the school. A key focus is on developing students’ cultural awareness, a key part of the IB philosophy. As a consequence, students can go on to be happy and successful members of today’s society.
The Relationships, health and sex education framework, delivered during Form, Weekly lessons and Action days, has been carefully produced and sequenced to take into account age appropriateness, providing pupils with the knowledge that will enable them to make educated decisions on aspects such as wellbeing, relationships and how to navigate the online world safely. A key focus is to provide guidance on how to seek advice and support. This knowledge will allow our students to make informed decisions regarding any complex situation they may face. The curriculum is aligned with the Government’s Statutory guidance on Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) (September 2020).
By the end of Year 11, students should learn about the following key topics:
- Families
- Respectful relationships including friendships
- Online and Media
- Being Safe
- The Law
- Self Control and regulation
- Adolescent bodies
- Intimate and sexual relationships including sexual health
- Mental wellbeing
- Internet safety and harms
- Physical health & fitness
- Healthy eating
- Drugs, alcohol and tobacco
- Basic first aid
- Health & prevention
Fundamental British Values and Citizenship
High-quality citizenship education helps to provide students with knowledge, skills and understanding to prepare them to play a full and active part in society. Within our curriculum the academy provides opportunities to:
- Foster students’ keen awareness and understanding of democracy, government and how laws are made and upheld;
- Equip students with the skills and knowledge to explore political and social issues critically, to weigh evidence, debate and make reasoned arguments; and
- Prepare students to take their place in society as responsible citizens, manage their money well and make sound financial decisions.
The citizenship framework is delivered during bespoke focused weeks, once a module during tutor time (Key Stage 3 and 4), action days (all students), and college lead assemblies. Our aim is to provide students with the knowledge and understanding which will equip them with the tools needed to become active citizens. A key part of our citizenship curriculum also lies within the opportunities students have to volunteer and carry out responsible activities; our Student Council, the Diana Award, the Duke of Edinburgh Award, and National Citizen Service programmes are just a few of the initiatives we offer as part of our co-curricular enrichment programme. Our co-curricular enrichment programme enables students to pursue their talents, as well as make positive contributions to their local, national, and global communities.
Our aim is to provide an engaging and inclusive Religious Studies curriculum that allows all students to reach their full potential, develop a love of learning and understand how important different religions are and how they impact the world today. It is more important than ever to understand the way the world is affected by different world views and world religions, and to engage in debate and conversations surrounding key topics and moral issues we face. As an IB World School, skills and attributes such as open-mindedness, caring, and principled form a core part of our Religious Studies curriculum. Students gain the opportunity to learn why the world is the way it is today and become inquisitive, globally aware citizens.
As an academy, we follow the Kent Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. Our curriculum focuses on the six key world religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Sikhism and gives students the opportunity to analyse and interpret a wide range of religious, philosophical and ethical concepts in increasing depth. Our delivery gives students:
- exposure to issues of diversity within and between religions and the ways in which religion and spirituality are expressed in various platforms;
- opportunities to expand and balance their evaluations of the impact religions can have on individuals, communities and societies, locally, nationally and globally;
- opportunities to understand the importance of dialogue between and among different religions and beliefs;
- opportunities to understand how religion and belief contribute to community cohesion, recognising the various perceptions people have regarding the roles of religion in the world.
Our Religious Education framework is delivered via MYP lessons (Key Stage 3), tutor time (Key Stage 4 and 5), and action days (all students). Students are encouraged to reflect on the differences between religions and why this belief has become integral to someone’s faith. Our curriculum is constantly reviewed to ensure that it meets the needs of our students and shapes them to be well-rounded individuals that are knowledgeable and able to analyse and think independently about the world around them.
Our computing curriculum is designed to equip our students with computational thinking and creativity to understand the ever increasing digital world. Our curriculum helps to foster students’ digitality against the strands that interlink our everyday lives. Students are given the opportunity to complete challenges across a range of ICT and Digital elements. Literacy is also embedded within the program, helping to improve literacy rates across the school. A key focus is on developing students’ digital ability, creativity and safety. As a consequence, students can go on to be happy and successful members of today’s digital society.
Our computing framework is delivered through MYP lessons (Key Stage 3), tutor time (Key Stage 4), action days and bespoke assemblies (all students). In Key Stage 4 students participate in the Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award, which helps them to develop skills and also accrue a portfolio of evidence which can be transferred to the workplace.
Our vision is to empower students to make inspirational, independent, impartial decisions by imparting knowledge of all future options, within the confines of Career Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG). We aim to provide an effective careers programme that offers students advice, experience, and contact with employers so that they aspire, make good choices and understand what they need to do to reach and succeed in their chosen career. Our support is designed to prepare students for the next phase of education, training or employment, so that their transition is positive and successful.
Careers education is in line with the Government guidance via the Gatsby Benchmarks; it is delivered both discretely within lessons and our pastoral programmes, with students being asked to reflect on careers experiences on a regular basis. Working with business mentors, local employers, FE, HE providers, and universities, our young people have many opportunities to explore different pathways in order to be informed about options and onward destinations. Students receive personal guidance and access to both academic and technical routes at key points throughout their educational journey. The impact of our Careers Education has seen a strong and consistent number of young people secure their preferred onward pathways at the end of Key Stage 4 and 5.
The academy offers a wide range of school clubs and enrichment opportunities which helps to develop a variety of passions and talents. Students are actively involved in shaping the opportunities we offer through the Student Council and therefore, opportunities can vary throughout the academic year. More information can be found here.
Cultural Awareness is an important part of our philosophy as an IB World School; in order to be true Global Citizens, our students need to be aware of the different cultures that make up our world. Being culturally aware from a young age will build acceptance of others, instil anti-racist attitudes as well as being useful throughout their lives, whether when going on holiday or later on encouraging them to look for work anywhere in the world. The sessions will help students achieve many of the IB attributes such as being open-minded, caring, reflective and better communicators.
What is the purpose?
Cultural awareness is defined by Collins Dictionary as:
“Someone’s cultural awareness is their understanding of the differences between themselves and people from other countries or other backgrounds, especially differences in attitudes and values.”
Cultural awareness at the academy is designed to explore global cultures, what makes each culture different, and how culture can impact and shape how our students see the world and their place within it. Our aim is to provide students with opportunities to carry out a “deep dive” into specific cultures, with up to four cultures explored over the course of an academic year. From this understanding, we hope to break down barriers to communication and collaboration, helping our students to be better prepared for living and working in a multicultural society. Links to general articles about Cultural Awareness, why it is important in schools and workplace:
- Importance of Cultural Awareness
- The Importance of Diversity & Cultural Awareness in the Classroom
- Cultural Awareness in the Classroom
Culture Spotlight 2022/23
Cultures to be explored this year are:
- Spanish Culture
- Egyptian Culture
- Indian Culture
- Peruvian Culture
Students will explore various aspects of each culture with focus on things such as Art, History, Sport, Music, Geography, Language etc. They will have several tutor time sessions to enable them to create meaningful projects that show what they have learned about each culture and the impact it has had. Below are just some examples of the projects produced by our students to date:
Calling all employers!
As we continue to develop links with local and national businesses there are increasingly more opportunities for collaboration and interactions with employers.
Our new Business Engagement lead has already facilitated Business Breakfasts and opportunities for representatives from a range of organisations to come into school, but we are hoping to expand the team further.
Ways that you could support us:
- Offer work experience placements,
- Offer site visits,
- Deliver workshops for students,
- Create resources to develop knowledge of the workplace e.g. virtual tours,
- Conduct mock interviews.
If you think that you may be able to help please get in touch.
Contact us: 01322272111