Welcome Back – Module 5

Wilmington Academy building

Dear Parents/Carers,

We trust that you have had a pleasant break as we return to Module 5. The students have made a very positive start and are very focused in their lessons and around the academy. Many of our students have upcoming external examinations and we are confident that if they continue to maintain the right habits, concentrating in lessons, revising at home and attending any additional support opportunities, they will reap the rewards in the summer when they get their results.

Parental Communication

Communication and partnership with parents is a key element in ensuring that students have the best possible chance of achieving their full potential and we are always grateful for your support. At times, some issues with students can be emotive and we understand that as parents this can be challenging, however we would ask that communication with our staff and conduct of parents onsite remains in keeping with the Home Academy Agreement.

Vehicle Entrance

Road safety is very important to the academy and we would like to ask for your support in addressing an issue regarding the dropping off and picking up of students at the Main Vehicle entrance. As this is a vehicle entrance to the academy it is imperative that it is not used as a drop off point as it presents a significant danger to our students. Furthermore, there have been some instances of cars dropping off students and using the entrance as a turning point, which presents a further danger. We would never wish to be in the position of contacting a parent to inform them that their child has been injured, (potentially seriously) due to this and ask for your consideration.

Standards of Dress

As you are aware we have very high expectations for our students with regards to the standard of their uniforms. Blazers must be worn to school every day and can only be taken off during lessons with the agreement of the class teacher. Skirts must be worn to the knee and must not be rolled and if your son/daughter wishes to wear a jumper to school, this must be the official academy V neck jumper, or a plain black V neck jumper without motifs. School shoes should be flat and plain black in colour, Dr Martens boots or similar are not acceptable footwear and trainers are not permitted. We are meeting with a local uniform shop shortly, so that all of our uniforms are available locally, this will hopefully help with delays of supply for items such as our blazer from Brigade. Details will follow before the end of the module.

Please be aware that students are not permitted to wear jewellery to school, with the exception of a pair of plain stud earrings (one in each ear). False nails and eyelashes are also not permitted. An appropriate sanction will be put in place should your son/daughter choose to do this. Please would you have a conversation with your son/daughter so that they are fully aware of our expectations.

A polite reminder that the following items are not permitted in the academy:

  • Chewing gum
  • Aerosol cans
  • Energy drinks including Prime

Uniform Donations

Some of you have been very generous with your donations of uniform for our ‘Uniform Bank’, we are in need of a top-up, so if your son/daughter has outgrown their uniform recently, please would you bring this into reception, freshly washed in a plastic carrier bag, so that this can be added to our stock.

Personal Development

As an academy we are proud to take a holistic approach to your son/daughter’s education and place great emphasis on their personal development, as well as their academic successes. Throughout their time at the Academy, students go through a well designed, tailored personal development journey. We are pleased to announce that details of this journey for each year group and key stage are highlighted on our Personal Development tab, available here via the Academy’s website.


We continue to offer a wide range of school clubs to cater for all tastes including academic support, music, sports, drama, e-Sports, art, SEN etc. Every child and parent has been given a special log in to SOCS (School Co-Curricular Online Communication System), our club and activity tracker where they will be able to sign up to clubs and opportunities.

Information regarding logging into SOCS can also be found on our website, search SOCS login information. If you need any further assistance with logging into the SOCS system please contact: lindsey.hearn@wilmingtonacademy.org.uk

For the most up to date co- curricular information please click here.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Yours sincerely,

Mr M Gore