Dear Parent/Carers
I am delighted to inform you that Wilmington Academy has received national accreditation for the tremendous work that has gone into promoting emotional wellbeing and positive mental health across the academy since 2019. Consequently, we have been awarded the Wellbeing Award for Schools, in partnership with the National Children’s Bureau, and have added the logo below to our website.
The Wellbeing Award for Schools Award focuses on changing long-term culture of the school by using an evidence-based framework to drive change. Our bespoke wellbeing service, facilitated by 2 well experienced wellbeing managers enables daily support for every student, their parents/carers and staff, and was recognised by our external verifier as an ‘invaluable resource’.
In addition some highlights in the final report were:
- Leaders are reflective on the progress made and able to identify and articulate the next steps
- The schools support for mental health and wellbeing and wider pastoral provision is well led and the school have invested significantly to build capacity to deliver further support
- The small school, college model enables students to develop a greater sense of belonging
- The school have key individuals with significant expertise of mental health and wellbeing
- Staff, parents/carers and students recognised the crucial role that the pastoral team and wellbeing service play in supporting the needs of students
- Support is effectively coordinated with safeguarding and SEN provision through regular meetings
- There is a strong and sense of team and belonging among staff, students and parents who feel valued and listened too
- The school provides additional support before and after transition to secondary school to ensure all students get off to a good start and build a sense of belonging quickly.
Our website was also recognised as a great resource, with some useful links to external agencies.
We would like to thank those students and parents who met with our verifier to share their experiences of the support that has been put in place to support them.
If you would like support regarding your son/daughter please do not hesitate to contact Nigel Crocker, our wellbeing manager directly. Alternatively, you can contact your child’s pastoral college and we can complete a referral if necessary.
Yours sincerely
Mr M Gore