End of Term Arrangements – Module 5 2023

Students walking to school with their backpacks on

Dear Parents/Carers,

Please be aware that the end of Module 5 is Friday 26 May. Lunch and Tutor Time will run as normal on this day. Students will be dismissed at the usual time of 3.00pm.

Updating Your Child/s/Children’s Contact Details

If any of your contact details for your child/children have changed recently, please email admin@wilmingtonacademy.org.uk and they will be changed on our system.

Year 11 May Half-Term Revision Programme

AM (09:00-11:30)

(all students are welcome)

PM (12:00-14:30)

(all students are welcome)

AM (09:00-11:30)


AM (09:00-11:30)

(invite only)

(invite only)

PM (12:00-14:30)

(invite only)

(invite only)

AM (09:00-11:30)

Apollo Building

PM (12:00-14:30)

Apollo Building

Contacting the Academy During the Holiday

Please note that all College Admin Offices are closed during the holidays, if you wish to speak with a member of staff, please dial option 8 where the Main School Office is manned between the hours of 9am and 2.30pm every day. Only a skeleton staff is available during the holiday periods but a message can be taken and passed to the relevant person on your behalf for a response when school starts again at the beginning of Module 6.

May we take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and wish you, your families and friends a peaceful May holiday. We look forward to welcoming students back at the start of Module 6 on Monday 5 June. Students should be on site at 8.30am, with lessons starting promptly at 8.40am.

Yours faithfully,

Mr M Gore