Odd Socks Day – Friday 18th November

Post-16 students sat round a table discussing things

Dear Parent/Carers 

To raise awareness for Anti-Bullying Week (14-18 November 2022). Every college will receive an assembly this week which will include: 

  • Raising awareness about Anti-bullying week and its purpose  
  • Define bullying and highlight the types can be categorised into
  • Discuss the impacts of bullying (both short and long term) 
  • Reinforce the importance of speaking up and highlight the different ways bullying can be reported (including via our SHARP app/website) 
  • Share data about the number of incidents that have been reported and how we utilise this 
  • Remind students that whilst it is Anti-bullying week this topic is developed throughout the year and is built into policies, the curriculum, personal development and how it will not be tolerated.

We are inviting all staff and students to take part in our ‘Odd Socks day’ on Friday 18 November. This encourages everyone to celebrate diversity, express themselves and celebrate their individuality. There is no pressure to wear the latest fashion or buy new socks. All we ask is that you take part and wear odd socks, it couldn’t be simpler!

The rest of your child’s uniform should be worn as normal. 

The Anti-Bullying Alliance provides a range of resources for schools, students and parents/carers every year. They have partnered up with Kidscape to develop a tool for parents/carers to help support their children and celebrate Anti-bullying week which can be found here.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and remind parents/carers that if you wish to report or discuss any concerns this can be done via email. Please email: admin@wilmingtonacademy.org.uk and state your child’s full name and college.


Yours faithfully 

Anthony Farr

Assistant Principal 

Lead for Behaviour & Attendance 