Dear Parent/Carer
Learning Activities – Thursday 2 March 2023
Further to our recent correspondence with regards to the planned NEU strike action on Thursday 2 March, please find below a list of learning activities suggested for your son/daughter to complete in addition to any sessions which are posted via their subject Google Classroom:
Lesson 1
UniFrog (careers)
All students are to sign in and complete assigned tasks.
Lesson 2
Sparx Maths
All students are to complete tasks set, earn XP points, and practise ‘EBI skills’ from previous assessments.
Tutor Time
World Book Week
Complete one of the tasks for the World Book Week Challenge – these are posted on your tutor group Google Classroom.
Lesson 3
Year 7: Read the knowledge organiser and complete the tasks for Frankenstein
Year 8: Read the knowledge organiser and complete the tasks for The Giver
Year 9: Read the knowledge organiser and complete the tasks for Boys Don’t Cry
Lesson 4
All students are to sign in and complete weekly tasks.
Lesson 1
UniFrog (careers)
All students are to sign in and complete assigned tasks.
Lesson 2
Sparx Maths
All students are to complete tasks set, earn XP points, and practise ‘EBI skills’ from previous assessments.
Tutor Time
World Book Week
Complete one of the tasks for the World Book Week Challenge – these are posted on your tutor group Google Classroom.
Lesson 3
All students are to sign in and complete weekly tasks.
Lesson 4
An Inspector Calls – create a character profile in Google Docs or Slides for the following lead characters – include quotations from the play: Mrs Birling, Eric Birling and Gerald. Please find attached the knowledge organiser and an electronic copy of the play.
As a reminder:
- The academy remains open for Year 11 and Post 16 students who will follow their normal timetabled lessons.
- Vulnerable, SEN students and the children of key workers who have pre-arranged to attend the academy, will follow a bespoke timetable.
- All students who attend the academy will have access to our normal catering facilities, with break and lunch times operating as normal.
- Pre-arranged free School meal requests must be collected from the restaurant area on Wednesday 1 March at the end of the academy day.
If you have any questions or concerns about the alternative arrangements outlined above, please contact the academy at:
As ever, thank you for your continued support.
Yours faithfully
Mr M Gore