Dear parents and carers
T Levels are nationally recognised, unique qualifications: they are designed by leading businesses and employers in order to give you the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in the workplace. They provide an exciting new option to our Post 16 provision and are a great way for students to learn the practical skills relevant to certain jobs.
With this in mind, we are delighted to invite you to a T Level Information Evening on Wednesday 15 March 2023, 5-6 pm. The event will be a fantastic opportunity for you to find out further information regarding T Levels and the benefit that they can have for your son/daughter.
The event will include talks from:
- Matthew Hellyer – Director of Learning for Vocational Courses and T Level Lead
- Seb Baker – Area Relationship and Development Lead, Education & Training Foundation
- Steve Leahey – Senior Adviser, Baker Dearing Trust
There will also be opportunities for you to ask questions to our local employment partners who will be offering our workplace placements.
We hope that you agree that T Levels provide an exciting opportunity for our young people and look forward to welcoming you to this event.
Should you have any queries in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us via:
Yours faithfully
Miss L Evans | Assistant Principal — Head of Post 16