Category Archives: Letters

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Year 11 Mock Exam Results and Parents’ Evening

Dear Parents/Carers, As you are aware, our Year 11 students have just completed their first [...]

Christmas End of Term Arrangements letter

Dear Parents/Carers Christmas End of Term Arrangements We will be dismissing students at 12:00 pm [...]

Adverse Weather Conditions Procedure

Dear Parents/Carers, With recent reports of possible adverse weather conditions, I am writing to inform [...]

Virtual Parent Voice Forum Letter

Dear Parents/ Carers Re: Virtual Parent Voice Forum – Thursday 23 November  – 6:00pm-7:00pm I [...]

Anti-Bullying Week at Wilmington Academy

Dear Parent/Carer Wilmington Academy supports Anti-Bullying Week: 13-17 November 2023 As part of the academy’s [...]

Module 2 Letter to Parents

Dear Parents/Carers Module 2 We hope that you had an enjoyable half-term holiday.  Module 2 [...]

Academy Expectations: Road Safety, E-Scooters and Vapes

Dear Parents/Carers, Road Safety We are writing following meetings between Wilmington Grammar School for Boys [...]

End of Term Arrangements – Module 1

Dear Parents/Carers, Thank you for your ongoing support during Module 1, it has been a [...]

Recent ParentPay Issues

Dear Parents/Carers, We hope this letter finds you well. We wanted to take a moment [...]

Welcome Back

Dear Parents/Carers, We hope that you had a restful summer break. We are delighted by [...]