Reminder: Adverse Weather Conditions Procedure

Dear Parents/Carers, With recent reports of possible adverse weather conditions, I am writing to inform [...]

T Level Information Evening

Dear parents and carers T Levels are nationally recognised, unique qualifications: they are designed by [...]

Strike Action Day – Learning Activities

Dear Parent/Carer Learning Activities – Thursday 2 March 2023 Further to our recent correspondence with [...]

Strike Action – Thursday 2nd March 2023

Dear Parents/Carers, Further to my previous correspondence, the National Education Union (NEU) is planning to [...]

Post-16 Welcome Back – Module 4

Dear Parents/Carers We hope that you had a restful and enjoyable half term break. We [...]

Welcome Back – Module 4

Dear Parents/Carers We hope that you had a restful and enjoyable half term break. We [...]

Year 11 February 2023 Half Term Revision Schedule

IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR YEAR 11 PARENTS – February Half Term Revision Schedule Dear Parents/Carers  Thanks [...]

Post 16 February Half Term Schedule – 9th February 2023

Dear Parent/Carers Post 16 February Half Term Schedule We are pleased to announce that we [...]

End of Module 3 Arrangements

Dear Parent/Carer Please be aware that the last day of term for students for Module [...]

Trust Annual Survey of Parents and Pupils

Dear Parents/Carers, As a Trust we value the feedback of our parents to help us [...]